Friday, 25 April 2014

LUSH Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask

Today we will delve into the delicious paradise that is LUSH! If you have been following my posts, then it’s no secret that I want to marry LUSH and have its babies. Just kidding, but I really do love LUSH. They have made a name for themselves as an eco-friendly, cruelty free brand and I have yet to find a product from LUSH that I don’t like. This post is all about the Fresh Face Mask in Brazened Honey, good enough to eat!

The Brand - LUSH

If you are keen to learn more about LUSH, please take a look at my previous posts on any of the LUSH products. I will just say (again) that I love LUSH, it always gives me a little thrill going into the shop. The staff are super friendly and very knowledgeable on all of their products. The LUSH staff are always willing to do a mini skin consultation to make sure you get the right product for your skin.

The Product – Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask ($16.95 for 75g)

I bought the Brazened Honey mask completely on a whim, having just finished the Cupcake mask. I had just gone into the city and thought I would take a peek into LUSH in Queen St Mall. I waked out $50 poorer but the proud owner of a bag of LUSH products, including Brazened Honey. LUSH does a range of fresh face masks, catering to pretty much every skin concern. The lovely girl in the store (after complimenting me on my Paul’s Boutique handbag *blush*) asked me about my skin. When I told her that my main concern was oiliness and that I had already tried Cupcake, she recommended either Brazened Honey or Catastrophe Cosmetic. While I was quite tempted to buy both, Brazened Honey contains ground almond shells to exfoliate and that sold me. It also contains honey (duh), ginger root and lime and it honestly looks good enough to eat! 

 On a side note, the Fresh Face Masks need to be kept refrigerated and used within a month, but be careful leaving them in the fridge. It took an awful lot of effort to stop the boyfriend eating the Cupcake mask!

Using the products

Brazened Honey is pretty simple to use. I usually wash my face and cleanse before applying any kind of face mask. You apply a generous layer and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes to work its magic before rinsing off. The mask is a really funky bright yellow colour and you can see all the ground up little bits in it too (you can see a very attractive picture of me modelling the mask below). Owing to the inclusion of the ground almond shells, you can gently rub the mask into your skin as you wash it off for and extra exfoliating effect. 

I really liked added benefit of an exfoliator but I was a little panicked when I first applied the mask. It is, shall we say, very tingly when you first apply it. The girl in the shop didn’t warn me and I thought I might be having an allergic reaction (which happens to me more frequently than I care to say!). But I left it for a minute and the tingly feeling went away and my skin just felt nice and warm and when I washed the mask off, my face wasn’t red or blotchy. It does say on the tub that it is an “invigorating” mask with “warming Ayurvedic herbs and spices” which must be where all the tingling comes from ( I should probably read things more carefully before using).  

 PS - Ayrvedic means hailing from the Indian sub-continent, according to the font of all knowledge aka Wikipedia
The Brazened Honey Mask in action
Overall Score 

The Good
 Easy to use.
Exfoliates and nourishes at the same time.

The Bad
Not for sensitive skin.
Expires after a month. 
The tingling/warming might not be everyone's cup of tea

KaBOOM! Cosmetics gives the LUSH Fresh Face Mask in Brazened Honey:
So, do you love LUSH as much as I do? Let me know what your favourite LUSH products are in the comments.

Stay beautiful! 

Dani xx


  1. I feel like I really need to head into Lush and just be like "Fix my skin, please".

    1. Do it! That's exactly what I did when I was having so many problems with my skin, you should check put my Lush Skin Saviours post too. Let me know how you get on if you do go in

  2. Great review, thanks for this post I have been looking at trying the cupcake mask but might have to give this one a go! I like the idea of the added bonus of an exfoliant! Xxx

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! Cupcake was pretty damn good too but I think I prefer the overall effect of Brazened Honey. Love Lettuce is also fab and it's an exfoliant too!

  3. I am very very tempted to go in stores for a peak. the 1 month expiry rate is a bit of a downfall for me :( I'm a bit of a snail when it comes to using beauty products.

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

    1. It's a really good mask and I know you're not meant to (sshhhh!) but I have kept and used one of these past the month with no I'll effects. You could always try the Mask of Magnaminty, it has a longer use by date

  4. sucks that it doesn't suit well for sensitive skin types! i love the face masks from lush though!

    1. I just think it's too exfoliating and too "warming" to agree with sensitive skin. Luckily, Lush have such an amazing range so they definitely do have masks for more sensitive skin.

  5. Thanks for the review.. been un-decided if to try a lush face mask. I have sensitive skin so was an interesting read.

    1. I can highly recommend the Lush face masks, they're amazing! I wouldn't go for Brazened Honey for sensitive skin though, I don't think the warming sensation would agree with you! Maybe Oatfix or the Sacred Truth would be better for you. Let me know if you give them a go :)


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