Sunday, 27 April 2014

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

It might come as a surprise to you to learn that Mother’s Day is a mere 2 weeks away (panic stations, go, go, go!). I know that it crept up on me a little this year, what with the excitement of so many public holidays and long weekends recently. I’ve decided to put together a little gift guide (with the help of my very own mum) to save you having to buy your mum a cheapo bunch of petrol station flowers and accompanying suspicious looking chocolates. With this gift guide in hand, you now have no excuse not to buy your mum a most excellent gift. 


Being a mum is a full time job and I think it’s lovely to give your mum a few hours, or even a whole day to relax and be pampered. Manicures, pedicures, massages, spa days, the options are endless! And if you want to make it more of a family occasion, why not book yourself in too? That way, both you and your mum get to spend a great day together AND you get to come out looking and feeling fabulous. You could even splash out and get a full champagne spa day, what better way to say thanks to your mumsy? Places like Groupon often have really great deals on massages and spa days. 

A nice relaxing massage is the perfect gift for Mother's Day. (Image from
If you want something a bit more interactive, why not sign your mum up for a makeup session? Most makeup counters provide makeup sessions, you could even treat your mum to a few of her favourite products while you’re there. I love the idea taking your mum in to get her makeup done then heading out for a beautiful breakfast together, she’ll look and feel fabulous!

Time to treat mum to a complete makeover from her favourite brand. (Image from

I love this category because you can tailor it to suit your mum’s personal preferences. Maybe your mum loves gardening – a year’s subscription to ABC Gardening Australia it is! Perhaps your mum is big into motorbikes – she could be the newest subscriber to Road Rider Magazine Australia! Or maybe your mum just loves a good old gossip mag – she would be over the moon to be able to read about her favourite celebs with a year’s worth of WHO Magazine. A lot of magazines know that Mother’s Day is coming up and are including special vouchers or additional months when you buy a subscription for your mum. 

With so many magazines to choose from, there's sure to be one to suit your mum! (Image from

Tea Time
I don’t know about your mum, but my mum is big into tea, might be because she’s English! There are so many amazing teas out there at the moment, there’s one to suit every mum. Your super sporty mum might love to relax after her morning workout with a delicious green tea while your green thumb mum might like a nice Lady Grey after a hard day in the garden. I also love tea sets as gifts and there are some amazing iced tea coolers available too, for something a little different. Whatever your mum likes to do, there is sure to be a brew for her. Both T2 and the Tea Centre stock a range of amazing tea and tea time accessories too. 

T2 stocks a great range of teas and tea time accessories, they also do great gift packs. (Image from

Knick Knacks

The ideas here are endless! A cute photo frame to put that uber embarrassing photo of you on your first day of school on display could be a her thing. I personally think a digital photo frame loaded up with photos of your family is a perfect gift! A beautiful vase to display the cheapo petrol station flowers that your bro bought for mum because he didn’t read this gift guide might be what's she's after. She could be desperate for some beautiful scented candles to use while she relaxes in a nice bubble bath. Again, knick knacks are great because you can tailor them to suit your mum, maybe she hates candles but has been lusting after a new photo frame? It’s all up to you!

These beautiful cup & saucer candles from Dusk are so cute! Who wouldn't love them? (Image from


Australia is heading into winter so maybe your mum is in the market for a cute hat, funky scarf or cosy set of gloves? Perhaps your mum is a trendsetter and is desperate to get her hands on a necklace like the one she saw in Vogue last month? A great idea here is to round up your siblings and get them to part with some of their cash so you can buy your mum a beautiful ring/necklace/pair of earrings. 
This black rope necklace is amazing, any mum could rock this baby! (Image from


Last up on the gift reel are gifts to make your mum feel pretty! Perhaps she’s running low on her signature scent? Maybe she loves a Sunday night face mask and bubble bath? She might have misplaced her favourite mascara and hasn’t got around to getting a new one. It’s all about knowing what your mum likes and personalising your gift to suit her. For example, my mum doesn’t have a bath tub so fat lot of good a set of bath bombs is going to be for her! She does, however, love doing her nails so maybe a new set of OPI polishes is more to her taste? 
Lush's Limited Edition Mother's Day range is available in store now! (Image from

I hope my gift guide has given you a few ideas so you can make your mum’s Mother’s Day special. And don’t forget, even if you can’t get your mum an expensive gift, make sure she gets a hug and a heartfelt thank you! 
Stay beautiful 

Dani xx

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