Tuesday, 22 April 2014

LUSH ‘s Eggcellent Easter Extravaganza

If you follow me on Instagram (which you most definitely should!), you might have seen my LUSH Limited Edition Easter range pictures. In honour of the Easter range, the LUSH on Queen St Mall hosted a little event to celebrate. It was a really fun night with lots of opportunities to test not only the Easter range but EVERYTHING in store AND we got to make our own bath bombs. 

The Evening

This was an RSVP only event, I took two friends along and wasn’t expecting much of a crowd but it was very well attended. The LUSH store isn’t huge but it was literally standing room only! We were given our bath bomb making equipment as we arrived and they were also running a competition to find some hidden Easter eggs to win a prize (which I didn’t enter, I was too busy shopping!). We had a little wander through the crowd and looked at a few products and tested a few things out. The LUSH ladies then demoed the Golden Egg Ballistic, which I was very pleased about as I bought one the previous week but was too afraid to use it for fear of coming out looking like a disco ball. I was relieved to see that although Golden Egg is super glittery (food grade eco-friendly glitter by the way), it doesn’t seem to stick to the skin too much.

The best part of the night was definitely the bath bomb making. I attended a previous event at the same store just before Christmas and we made the Butterball Bath Ballistic. At this event, we made Avobath which is a very refreshing, citrusy bath bomb that leaves skin feeling super soft. Basically, you don some gloves and get two plastic bath mould halves. You fill up the halves with bath bomb mixture and push them together really hard, et voilà! The bath bomb should then be left at least overnight to set and then it’s good to use. Apparently the hard working staff in the LUSH kitchen have to make a certain number of these per day, it’s bloody hard work! I was very lucky because one of my friends gave me her Avobath too as she doesn’t have a bathtub. 

In addition to the lovely Avobath Bath Ballistic, I picked up these pretty things: 

Fluffy Egg and Golden Egg Bath Ballistics ($5.50 and $6.50 each)
These are both from the Limited Edition Easter Range. The Fluffy Egg smells so good, it’s from the same scent family as the Bubblegum Lip Scrub and Prince Charming Shower Gel. Golden Egg looks just amazing what with all it’s glittery-ness! It has a bath bomb centre and a outer shell of bath melt and smells deliciously vanillery, it’s from the Honey I Washed the Kids scent family. 

PS - Fluffy Egg isn't pictured because I used it pretty much the minute I got home from this!

Roots Hair Treatment ($19.95 for 225g)

While I am overly familiar with the LUSH skincare and bath bomb ranges, their hair care isn’t something I know much about. Roots is a treatment for fine hair and is designed to revitalise and volumise. It’s very minty and packed with rich olive oil and honey for shine. It also has menthol which is supposed to stimulate the scalp. I’ve only used it once but it’s quite a weird cooling sensation on your head. As for the volumising promise, I think I’ll have to keep using it for a few more weeks to see what happens. 

Let the Good Times Roll Cleanser ($16.95 for 100g)

I think I need to go to some kind of LUSHaholics Anonymous meeting because I have a serious obsession with their cleansers! Let the Good Times Roll is a maize based, moisturising cleanser for a gentle smooth and polish. If no one was watching, I would probably eat this because the smell is mouth-watering, it smells just like caramel popcorn. Yummy! 

All up, it was a very enjoyable night. LUSH put a lot of effort in and it was really fun, with bath bomb making being my highlight. Despite how busy it was, the staff manage

d to get around to just about everyone and help them out. If you ever get the chance to go to a LUSH event, don’t even hesitate, they are fabulous! 
Stay beautiful! 

Dani xx


  1. Sounds like you had a greattttt night!! I always go to Lush for holiday bathbombs/mets :D

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

    1. They are always a lot of fun, they do a good job organising them!


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