Thursday, 3 July 2014

The June Rundown

How is it even possible that we are officially halfway through 2014? I feel like we just celebrated Christmas! Here’s what I got up to in June
Out & About

Instead of the usual blurb, I thought I would show you some snaps from June.

1. The Wheel of Brisbane from the CityCat, I took this snap on my way to the Eat Street Markets 2. With the lovely Kylie from Bespoque at their Red Carpet Event 3. A cute pic of me and my older sister that I posted up for her birthday 4. Celebrating World Sushi Day with a Soft Shell Crab Handroll at Sushi Edo 5. My sister's birthday Breakfast at South Side Diner, the milkshakes are to die for!

6. My VS Sassoon Curls, I won their Instagram competition with these babies! 7. My very reduced makeup kit for a little trip out to Central Queensland, 8. At the Benefit Push-Up Liner pre-sale 9. DIY Hair Salon, I dip-dyed my ends purple 10. I can highly recommend both Through Thick and Thing and Unbearable Lightness, they were fantastic reads

Blog Rundown

 Here are a few of my favourite posts from this month:

Rimmel MoistureRenew Lipsticks – These are my new favourite lipsticks, they are so glossy and hydrating.

Her Fashion Box (May) – Her Fashion Box have really picked up their game recently, check out what I thought of the May box.

Boe Beauty EyeProducts – I have been completely obsessed with the Boe Beauty range recently and at $2 a pop, can you blame me?
Benefit They're Real Push-Up Liner - Benefit launched their innovative new Push-Up Liner in June and I was lucky enough to pick one up at the pre-sale.


These are a few of the products I have been loving recently:

1. LUSH The Sacred Truth Fresh Face Mask– The change in weather saw my skin heading into dangerous territory, I was breaking out a bit and also had some nasty dry patches on my nose and chin. The lovely ladies at LUSH recommended the Sacred Truth mask which, although it’s designed as an anti-aging mask, contains antioxidants to brighten and refresh the skin. It’s been working an absolute treat and my skin cleared up in a matter of days.

2. Fuse Gelnamel Kit – I was lucky enough to win a Priceline Facebook competition and received both a Fuse and a Sensationail kit as the prize. I haven’t tried out the Sensationail one yet but I LOVE the Fuse kit. After my disastrous encounter with the Essence Gel Nails Kit, I was a bit reluctant to try gel nails again but the Fuse kit was so easy to use, only requiring one polish with no base or topcoats. The polish dries instantly but I did find that 3 coats were needed to get good coverage for one of the colours. The polished lasted a good week and I was really impressed with both the application system and wear time. The only downside was that a whole nail of polish popped off and disappeared after about 3 days but I think that was my fault for not buffing properly before applying.

Colours from L-R: E-Motion, Lights, Camera, Re-Action, Intens-So-Fly, Gone Fission and Na-No Way.

3. Anatomicals Be Good With Your Hands in Bed Night Time Hand Cream – I always suffer from really dry hands in winter and it bums me out! Anatomicals launched (well really re-launched) in Australia this year and I was so glad to see them because their products are amazing.  Be Good With Your Hands is a really thick, rich hand cream made with avocado and it smells delish, very fresh and fruity. Although it’s a night time hand cream, I’ve been using it whenever I get a chance and my hands have been feeling much better.

4. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette– I picked this up at Mecca Maxima when it launched just over a month ago and although the price tag made me gasp, I really love this palette. It contains three Ambient Lighting Powders: Dim Light, Incandescent Light (exclusive to the palette) and Radiant Light. Dim Light is a more neutral powder designed to blur imperfections, Incandescent Light is a pearly kind of powder that gives a beautiful glow and Radiant Light is a warmer, more bronze-toned powder. I have been loving these for winter and my skin is looking a bit dull and these are the perfect way to add depth, warmth and glow to the complexion.

Other things

June was a pretty busy month for me, I feel a little like a hamster on a wheel at the moment! I am at camp right now and trying to settling back into the FIFO routine again. It’s a bit of a struggle being away from home for so long but I try to find the positives and think of all the things I have planned for my days off, including a trip to Melbourne!!. I’m also looking forward to starting my Invisalign treatment later this month and I will try and post about that too as there was some interest on Facebook about it. That’s all for June, please keep in touch, I love reading all your lovely comments and it’s especially important for me now that I’m in the field to keep a firm grasp on my links to home.

Here’s to a great July!

Stay beautiful!

Dani xx


  1. that hourglass ambient light palette looks gorgeous! I want to grab one for myself! x

    Multitasking Damsel Blog

  2. It's amazing! It's one one my most expensive makeup items ($90!!!) but I love it so much and the glowy effect it gives is so beautiful!

  3. Loved this read, Dani! I especially love the dip dyed ends, great job there! Oh, and that ambient palette is on my current wishlist!

    If you fly in to Melbourne, please hit me up, I'd love to have a coffee with you and squeeze in some window shopping! :D

    1. Thanks lovely, it probably wasn't the best idea to dye my hair at home but it turned out pretty well (thank god!).

      And I would love to meet up with you! I'll hit you up and let you know when I'm around :)

  4. It's beautiful and I love the slight variations in each shade. Very excited to come and visit Melbourne for the first time, I'll be sure to pack my winter woollies!


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