Thursday, 31 July 2014

Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

Hello lovely readers! Today I will giving you the lowdown, the 411, the nitty gritty, the dish on Bioré’s Deep Cleansing Pore Strips. So, to business!

The Brand - Bioré

Bioré, which I have been pronouncing all this time “buy-ore” but which I recently discovered is pronounced “bee-or-aye”, is actually a Japanese brand and is (according to their website) the No.1 facial cleansing brand in Japan. They have a range of products from Deep Cleansing to Skin Preservation to Complexion Clearing to cater for all manner of skin concerns. Bioré is available from most major pharmacies and grocery stores.

The Product – Deep Cleansing Pore Strips ($6.99 for a pack of 6)

These pore strips, as the name suggests, are from the Deep Cleansing range and come in two types: Original and Ultra. The difference between the two is that the Ultra version contains tea tree oil and witch hazel to “cool and invigorate”. Bioré have recently done a repackaging of their products and have changed from a pink/green to a blue/white colour scheme, which I think looks more professional. They were also one of the first brands to start marketing pore strips, so they’ve had time to perfect them before moving onto other areas of skincare.
Using the product

So what in the hey do these things actually do? They are designed to pull out all the nasty dirt and oil clogging up the pores on your lovely nose. To use them, you wet down your nose, peel off a strip and apply (you can see me demonstrating the sexy looking pore strip below). 

After about 10 to 15 minutes, the strip goes hard, kind of like paper-mâche, meaning it is ready to pull off. While it isn’t overly painful, I did get a bit watery-eyed while removing the strip and I would not recommend the band aid route of whipping it all off in one go! Remember, the skin on your nose is delicate and probably won’t take kindly to parting company with your face so quickly! So GENTLY pull the strip off and see the magic. You should be able to see the dirt pulling away as you peel and you can then wave goodbye to all the nasties stuck to the pore strip. It helps to wash your face with warm water before applying a strip to allow pores to open. I also recommend applying a toner after removing the strip to help close up your pores and prevent any more dirt or oil taking up residence in your nice, clean pores.
Overall Score

The Good
Easy to use
Good results for minimal effort

The Bad
Frequent use can irritate the skin
Tea tree/witch hazel may be too intense for sensitive skin
KaBOOM! Cosmetics gives the Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips:

Have you used the Bioré Pore Strips before? What did you think? 
Stay beautiful!
Dani xx


  1. I've walked past these countless times, drawn to the pretty Revlon lipsticks or something shiny instead. I guess eventually I'll read enough blog posts and pick up a box. All this time I assumed the brand was faux-French, or something European, rather than Japanese--nice little educational section for the lazy!

    I've actually heard that often and quick removal will damage the capillaries and skin around the area, so I guess all in moderation, as it goes.

    1. Well I'm glad you liked the educational section! I really like these and I definitely recommend picking up a box next time you're looking at the shiny lipsticks. And I agree that quick removal can cause damage, especially to sensitive areas.

  2. Hahah the photo is cute! I don't get as much blackheads, not much I think! But I do love reading your reviews Dani!

    Lisa | Multitasking Damsel Blog

    1. Thanks lovely :) Like cloth masks, it's hard to take a good action shot of pore strips. And thanks for reading and commenting, I really appreciate it!


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