Sunday, 6 April 2014


Hello and welcome to the official grand opening of KaBOOM! Cosmetics (cue tumultuous applause)!   
I have been hanging around on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for a while now but I’ve been eagerly waiting to launch the written segment of my blog. The blog has been undergoing a little makeover and I have to thank the lovely Grace from Urban Hype Creative for all her hard work in turning my blog into a reality. So, to business!

First, a little bit about me. My name is Dani, I am 24 and I live in Brisbane, sunny Australia. I have been a long time follower of many amazing bloggers and vloggers but I have finally decided to take the plunge and get myself out there. Why? 

Reason 1 – I am obsessed with all things beauty related!
Reason 2 – I need a creative outlet. My job is very intense and technical (more on that later) and doesn’t allow a lot of room for creative, arty things, which is why I want a space to let all that energy flow.
Reason 3 – I have been dreaming of my own blog for so long, I wanted to turn my dream into a do!

Now you know why I’m here, how about a little bit more on who I am? I thought that for my first post, you might like to find out a little bit more about me so here are 10 Facts About Me:

1. I am not a native Australian. I was born in Zimabwe, grew up in Botswana and moved to Australia with my family when I was 12. I have done a fair bit of travelling in my life and hope to do plenty more.

2. I am an exploration geologist. I spend about half of my time working in an office and the other half in the middle of a paddock with a bunch of burly men (that sounds weird, let me elaborate). I work FIFO (fly in, fly out) and live in a field camp for 2 weeks at a time (think tents, caravans, 4X4s) where we do most of our work, usually drilling to “explore” (hence the title, exploration geologist).

3. I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn’t believe. I have an amazing ability to make chocolate disappear and them magically reappear on my hips!

4. I have a wonderful (English) boyfriend. We met on my gap year in the England, where I was working as a tavern wench (read: bar maid) in the local village pub when he popped in for a pint and the rest is history. He ended up moving to Australia a few years ago, where he mostly grumbles about the heat (delicate little English rose!) but as he moved half way around the world for me and is an all-round good guy, I really can’t complain!

5. I love reading. I would much rather read a book than watch a movie and I read incredibly fast. Not tooting my own horn here, it’s a fact! Ask No.4 if you don’t believe me. I re-read the same series (Harry Potter, Song of Ice & Fire, etc) over and over again. Luckily, the boyfriend got me a Kindle a few Christmases ago and I love it to death!

6. I used to be the world’s fussiest eater. My parents worried that I would get scurvy! They tried the old “if you don’t finish your vegetables, you can’t leave the table” trick and I would just refuse to eat them and sit at the table indefinitely (which leads me to Point 6.5, I am incredibly stubborn!). Thankfully, once I got a bit older and actually started trying new foods instead of refusing them on principle, I discovered that most of them weren’t half bad. There are still some foods I can’t stand (I’m looking at you, bananas!) but I think everyone is entitled to not like some type of food.

7. I get motion sick like you wouldn’t believe! The only thing that I can deal with is flying. I even get sick if I sit facing backwards on the train (first world problems, I know).

8. I am pretty much blind when it comes to anything more than 10 metres away. I have been wearing glasses since high school but I invested in contact lenses and I couldn’t believe how clear everything was. It’s completely different from wearing glasses, I was blown away by the fact that everyone else could see that clearly on their own. So I am a big old nerd and have the dorky glasses to prove it.

9. I also have zero self-control. If I want a dress/lipstick/pair of shoes, I buy it. I can’t keep chocolate in the house because I will literally inhale a block in one sitting. It means that I usually have a very full wardrobe and a very empty bank account!

10. I have a fat cat called Earl, you may have been lucky enough to see some photos of him on Instagram. He is the weirdest cat I have ever come across! He’s like 2 different cats, skinny at the front and fat at the end BUT he is gorgeous and I love him. He was adopted from the RSPCA last year and despite never owning a cat before, I immediately became a crazy cat lady.  

So there you go, now you know a little bit more about me and hopefully it entices you to come back and visit. I’ll be doing a range of posts about makeup, lifestyle and whatever else takes my fancy! 

If you feel so inclined, you can follow me via Bloglovin, Instagram or Twitter (@kaboomcosmetics) or drop me a line to say hello at I’m also on Facebook (KaBOOM! Cosmetics) so come on by and say hi.

Stay beautiful!

Dani xo


  1. Loved reading this! Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm new too! Your job sounds really interesting! I'm definitely like you with the chocolate and reading - my speed with devouring both is record. And Nawwww your little story about meeting your boyfriend on your gap year has made me want to do a gap year! Can't wait to see more from you! Xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm looking forward to writing more too!

  2. Welcome, welcome! I am so excited about what is to come on your blog! :) x

    1. Thank you Candice, looking forward to getting stuck in!

  3. Welcome gorgeous
    Enjoyed reading ur first post
    I'm a nerd too and a chocolate lover

    1. Thanks Varinder! So pleased to have a fellow chocaholic and need around! Xo

  4. Welcome lovely!! I enjoyed this post thoroughly, I have never met a geologist before, has it always been something you wanted to do? I can never work a full-on office job, my current job consists of 50% office time with a lot of report writing, it's already making me a little loopy :/

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

    1. Thanks for stopping by!

      Definitely didn't always want to be a geologist but I did grow up in a mining town so maybe it was fate?

      I know what you mean, I have a short attention span so it suits me pretty well not being in an office all the time! Xo


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