Friday, 18 April 2014

The Lipstick Tag

An absolute age ago, Kirsty from Lipstick Addict tagged me to do the Lipstick Tag (sorry Kirsty!). I have been meaning to write this for so long but as some of you know, I work FIFO so I’m away for weeks at a time and it can be hard catching up when I’m back in the real world. But enough of those excuses, let’s get down to business (to defeat the Huns…Mulan reference anyone?....)!

1. How many lipsticks do you own?

I’m not 100% sure because my makeup tends to end up scattered about my house/handbag but I would hazard a guess at around 40. I think that’s actually pretty good, could be a lot worse!

2. What was the first lipstick you owned?

Well back when I was about 10, I had this super cool lipstick tower pen that had about 6 or 7 different colours in in. It was a clear tube and the lipsticks all slotted in together and the colours were hideous, I’m talking neon orange and gothic purple….it was not pretty!

My first proper lipstick was probably one I used for my Year 12 formal which was given to me by my mum (I still have it…not sure if it’s still useable though!). It’s a Maybelline Wet Shine in the shade Spice It Up which is a light brown/nude colour. 

Maybelline Wet Shine lipstick in Spice It Up
3. What is your favourite lipstick brand?

My favourite drugstore brand would have to be Rimmel, the Kate Moss collection is my absolute favourite! I also really love the Sportsgirl Pout About It range. And for high end, I would say Clinique.

4. What is your most worn lipstick?

Either Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss in Kiss of Life or Sportsgirl Pout About It in Almost Famous or Mad About You.

Rimmel + Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick in Kiss of Life (111)
Sportsgirl's Pout About It Lipstick in Almost Famous

Sportsgirl's Pout About It Lipstick in Mad About You
5. What is your favourite finish?

Probably matte or satin, not a huge fan of the very glossy finishes. 

6. What was the last lipstick you bought?

My newest lipstick is Impassioned from MAC’s Amplified collection, I’m in love with it! Before that (though they technically aren’t lipsticks) was a set of Jumbo Lip Crayons by Boe Beauty which I love. Boe Beauty is a completely underrated brand. 
MAC's Impassioned
7. How many lip products do you have in your bag? (Including balms and glosses)

I just cleaned out my handbag the other day and currently only have one EOS balm in Sweet Mint but usually I have at least 3 lipsticks and 2 balms floating around in there.

8. What is your favourite red lip colour?

Already answered that in Question 4, both Kiss of Life and Almost Famous are my regular reds.

9. How do you store your lipsticks?

I very recently bought myself a beautiful dressing table from Ikea and decided to update my makeup storage so I also got 2 lipstick organisers by Models Prefer from Priceline. They hold 12 lipsticks each and the rest of my collection in in various glasses, drawers and bags.

10. What lipsticks are you currently lusting after?

There are a few from MAC that I would love to have in my collection, the Impassioned lipstick was my first ever MAC purchase…. really any lipstick by MAC! I’m keen to try the Revlon Matte Balms too. 

Swatches (from L-R) Spice It Up, Kiss of Life, Almost Famous, Mad About You & Impassioned

Hope you enjoyed my Lipstick Tag, let me know if you would like to see more (or less!) of these type of posts.

Stay beautiful!

Dani xx


  1. MAC's Impassioned looks beautiful!! great tag btw!

    Multitasking Damsel Blog

    1. It's such a great colour, I'm so glad I picked it up!

  2. Oooooh nice bold colours! I'm envious, I usually can't pull off bright reds or pinks. I always end up with browns/mauves or other old people colours lol

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

    1. I don't know if I pull off the brights but I love wearing them. And it's so funny that you say you always end up with browns etc because I feel like I can never pull those colours off!

  3. You have gorgeous lips Dani..!!


  4. All the lippies you swatched are amazing!! I think I really "need" that MAC one!

  5. Ha ha, the lipstick tower pen sounds like the little multi colour coloured pencils that kids have where when they want to use a different colour they pull out the current one from the bottom and push it in the top & repeat until the colour they want is at the bottom. What a great idea for lip colours though if there were good colour selections or option to build your own!

    1. That's exactly what it was! If the colours where any good, it would have been fabulous but it was obviously designed for little girls so they were a bit over the top!

  6. I love the bright colours in this post!

    Lucy x


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