Friday, 11 April 2014

Her Fashion Box - March Review

The March Her Fashion Box FINALLY showed up on my doorstep today, delivered by my (not so) friendly postman. For those of you who have been living under a rock, Her Fashion Box is a monthly beauty subscription box, retailing for $39.95 month, which is quite pricey compared to some of the others. I used to subscribe to a lot of beauty boxes, but I felt the quality was deteriorating so I cancelled all my subscriptions except HFB. They have been my favourite box from the beginning and I’ve been looking forward to this month’s box, their 1st Birthday box, for a while. I wouldn’t say I’m disappointed, but it’s definitely an underwhelming box. I thought they would go all out for their birthday. Here’s what was in the (feminine) box:

1. Her Fashion Box ‘Solar’ Scarf ($32.95)– I do like a good scarf, especially with winter coming up and I think this is a nice one to add to my collection. It’s a pretty blue colour with a cosmic kind of print and it’s quite big, which I like because you can use it as a sarong/wrap too. I will say though, that I have received countless scarves from HFB, I wish they would be a bit more creative. I also don’t think that this would be worth $32.95, you could get a similar one from Cotton On for $10. 

2. Her Fashion Box ‘Shoot for the Stars’ Necklace($29.95) – Again, this is soo similar to every necklace I have received in a HFB box! Although I’m pleased that this one is silver and black, I might actually wear it. I have been disappointed in the past as the necklaces always seem to be a) gold, which I don’t wear or b) look like they were made by a pre-schooler during craft time. It’s a nice necklace and I can see myself wearing this but the quality doesn’t look that great and I wouldn’t pay $29.95 for it either. It also look suspiciously similar to the Trendy version of the necklace….

3. Her Fashion Box ‘Spell It Out’ Ring($12.95) – I actually really like the look of this ring! It’s very much a costume jewellery piece but I like the silver and blue together and I like that it’s resizable for my child-like fingers! I also feel that the price actually reflects the item, I would happily fork out $12.95 for this, it’s right up my style alley. Very happy with this piece!

4. Le Tan Fast Tan Instant Bronze ($6.99 for 45g) – I always like receiving fake tan in subscription boxes because it’s something I would never go out and buy myself. Having said that, I’m pretty sure I got this very same tan quite recently in a HFB box. I’m not too fussed though, I like the brand and I think this particular product is easy to use and gives a nice, natural looking tan. 

5. Argania Hair Oil ($5.99 for 5ml)– I have never used this brand of hair oil before but I have heard of Argania. I’m always on the lookout for a good hair oil, particularly in a travel-size as it’s much easier got me to take away when I’m travelling for work. The packaging says it’s “a unique antioxidant rich oil containing certified organic argan to instantly create brilliant shine”, I’ll have to see if it lives up the blurb! It smells delicious by the way, a bit like vanilla essence but I think that might be the sweet almond oil. 

6. Designer Brands Outrageous Volume Mascara in Blackout ($9.99) – I actually think that Designer Brands have some very decent products, I have a sneaking suspicion this mascara might fit that category. The packaging reminds me of the Rimmel Scandal Eyes collection but the brush isn’t as fat. I wouldn’t say it provides outrageous volume, but it does a good job with lengthening and the formula isn’t clumpy at all (pet mascara hate). I can definitely see myself wearing this as a day-to-day mascara. 

7. Colour by TBN Lipstick in Pucker Up ($3.50 for 3.2g) – These bear more than a passing resemblance to the Revlon Colourburst Lipstick, the packaging is identical! The shade Pucker Up is a nice bright pink shade that actually looks like it might be a good dupe for my recently purchased MAC lipstick in Impassioned. It’s quite nice and creamy and I think it’s a good addition to my collection, I’m keen to test out it’s staying power. I actually bought 2 TBN lipsticks from the pharmacy a while ago when they were on sale for $1, unfortunately, I was having a bad day and walked out with 2 HIDEOUS shades, which I subsequently chucked. I hope this one fares better!

Colour by TBN's Pucker Up on the bottom and MAC's Impassioned on the top.

8. Her Fashion Box Pink Pumice Stone ($7.95) – This was included as a bonus gift, I don’t know if it was just a 1stBirthday bonus or only for specific customers, there wasn’t any other info. I’m very happy to get this as my current pumice stones is looking a bit sad (read: mouldy, I leave it in the shower all the time, I wouldn’t be surprised if it walked off on its own!). I think the pink colour is an especially cute touch. I’m sure not everyone will be as excited as me to receive a pumice stone but I am a geologist, what can I say, rocks are my thing! 

BONUS Her Fashion Box HeadbandThere was nothing about this in the little magazine, I can only assume it was a bonus for people who completed last month’s survey. I do like the extra item for people who take the time to fill out the questions each month BUT this is almost identical to a headband I received a few months back and to be honest, I haven’t worn a headband in public since high school. I mostly use them when I’m washing my face. So this probably won’t see much use but I’m sure others will appreciate it. Almost forgot, there was a little bag of lollies too but I ate them while writing this so they aren’t in the pictures!

All up, a pretty average box considering it was their 1st birthday AND that it took so long to come out to us. I will say that I think HFB kept us in the dark a bit about when the boxes would be delivered, they did send out some info relating to the original delay but were very cagey about the actual shipping date. I don’t really mind, I think they generally do a good job and the quality of their boxes and products is usually superior to a lot of other beauty boxes. I do think that they need to lift their game if they want to keep their customers happy, there are a few unhappy HFB subscribers out there at the moment. I thought this was a good but definitely not a great box, please bring back your A-Game, Her Fashion Box!

Stay beautiful!

Dani xx

PS – I made it into the Her Fashion Magazine! I was so excited when I saw my Instagram photo in the back of the magazine, thanks HFB!


  1. I was disappointed with last month's box - I mean after the amazing ones previously and then bam a "mini" sized one it was just sad really. So I decided to cancel my subscription but because I wasn't on time, I was entitled to receive the March box too - well really I paid for it. Anyway, like what you said - underwhelming considering a) it's their 1st birthday b) they were shipped out late because of some "special" thing? I could not find anything special in this month's LATE box. So glad I've unsubscribed tbh. You're right, they need to lift up their A-game or they'll risk losing their subscribers.

    1. Hit the nail on the head there! I think you probably unsubscribed at the right time, the last 2 boxes were definitely 'meh'. I'm going to stick with them for a few more months to see if they do manage to get back to where they were, because they were miles ahead of their competitors when they first came out. Fingers crossed they listen to their customers and make some changes!


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